1. Demand and get a paternity test, even if you must pay for it.
2. Fortunately, money can make a multitude of problems go away. I hope that
you have LOTS of money! You're going to need it. Kiss your money goodbye,
because it's probably going to sprout wings and then fly bye bye bye.
Unfortunately, if you are a Dad, then, no matter how much money you have,
thanks to the feminists and their lapdog politicians, you are usually
automatically discriminated against in any family court, seeing how you
happen to have a pair of balls. Shame on you for having a pair of balls,
Bob! You bastard, you! How dare you have a pair of balls! Trust me! Seeing
how you have a pair of balls, they are going to be broken, probably
repeatedly! So, get used to it. You see, Bob, the government will hate you
for having a pair of testicles, because they are contraband! It's called
MISANDRY. Didn't you know that? If not, then where the hell have you been
for the past 40 years or so - in a cave or something? Have no fear. When you
get to court, the judge will probably confiscate your contraband. It's
called castration. I recommend that you also bring a jar of Vaseline with
you to court, so that when you are sodomized by the judge immediately after
your castration, you can ease a bit of the discomfort. Haven't you ever
heard of feminism? Feminism has to do with matriarchy....uh....I
mean...."equality". These days, we have "women's rights", don't you know,
and therefore, father's rights are in the toilet. While women have their
"rights", they do not have many responsibilities. Nope. Instead, the
responsibility department is yours. She gets the rights, and you get saddled
with the responsibility. So, be a man, get out your wallet, and PAY the
bitch her weekly pound of flesh! That's what you get for having a pair of
testicles, Bob. Shame, shame, shame! By the way, no matter how much you pay,
it will never ever ever be enough. She will be needing regular increases in
the extortion payments you must make to her by court order, to keep her in
the lifestyle she has grown accustomed during the marriage, the court
accepted argument being that, "she has the need, and you have the ability to
pay". Additionally, it's for the CHILD.
Sorry, Bob, but rich as you are, like any man who has not ever experienced a
divorce (and especially a custody battle) you have had your head in your
ass, until now.
And so now, I would advise you to quickly extract your head from your
rectum, and face the plain ugly truth! More than likely, you are screwed!
Nevertheless, if you love the child, you want reasonable contact (not to
mention custody) and some say in the child's upbringing,then litigate,
litigate, litigate! Take her wretched ass back to court every other month,
if you can, and when you can, especially if you have deep pockets.
Do you know the meaning of the word "MISANDRY"? If not, then reach for your
dictionary, and look it up. It now applies to you.
I wish you the best.
Do your part to help stamp out feminism. Insist on patriarchy today!
For children and their fathers everywhere, I am
Webmaster, Feminism Kills
Post by bobI've never been married, and I have no children.
My girlfriend has recently gotten pregnant, and, according to her, I am the
alleged father.
If indeed I am the father, then I would like to have custody of the child
and have the
child's last name changed over to mine. I would also agree to give my
regular visitation rights to the child, if she so desires.
I wish to have custody because my girlfriend's life is unstable and, in my
not conducive for the raising of children. I can easily provide financially
for the
raising of the child.
1) What are the things that a court needs to see from me so that they will
grant me custody;
2) Since I obviously need a lawyer, how do I find out who the best child
custody lawyers are?
I live in Phoenix AZ.
Thank you very, very much.